Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Final Video Project

“My Thoughts Exactly”

            End of the semester is here! Below you will see my video and let me warn you, I have put profanity, funny lines, and complete “raw” footage of actual thoughts that run through my mind everyday on the commutes to work in the morning and the commutes to my evening classes.

            These commutes, known as hour long drives between traffic, slow drivers and overall stupid people on the road, literally decide how my morning/evening will go. I typically spend anywhere from 1-1.5 hours each way- totaling almost 3 hours of driving a day (Monday-Friday).
In the mornings, they usually are peaceful since I am driving against the traffic coming into downtown Tampa, on my way to New Port Richey. I usually talk to myself in my head, run through my day in advance, prayers if I can remember and overall happy to have a job that pays the bills! In the evening, regardless of how good/bad my day went, the commute pisses me off. It’s like drivers pop out of no-where to ruin my life. Though I still drive against traffic, I run into traffic junctions and the occasional accidents I drive by that slows down traffic dramatically because everyone is so nosey to see what happened- on the other side of the ROAD. Makes no sense. I also scream at people in my head, often saying vulgar slurs and pretending I’m in “Grand Theft Auto” type video game simulations. Literally, I am bi-polar to the extent that my commutes in the morning are exactly the same time as the evening but my moods shift completely. It’s like I’m crazy almost.

            As you will notice, no words are in the video because these are thoughts in my head. Things I wouldn’t actually say aloud. Hence why I placed verbiage on the screen in lieu of audio. Thoughts are silent, as will the video be. The words on the screen take you through a typical day with me in the car. You won’t be able to tell n my face what I’m thinking, but rest assured, I am no driver to mess with! Enjoy the film, its way over 1 minute, but still enjoy it!

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